Camp Sunshine
Camp Sunshine provides its campers with multiple opportunities to get involved and affords them the necessary supervision. Even though they may have braces or wheelchairs, Camp Sunshine eliminates the barriers of the everyday world. The permanent facility serves children and adults with disabilities from Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Passaic, Morris, and Sussex Counties.
Campers are divided into small groups of approximately 8 to 12 campers, with the groupings based upon the campers’ ages and abilities, ensuring that each camper can thrive among his or her peers throughout the summer. Each group has a Group Leader and an Assistant Group Leader supervising and assisting the campers and Volunteer Camp Counselors, who work individually with our Campers.
Little Kids: Age 5-10

Middle Kids: Age 10-17

Boys and Girls: Age 17+

Camp Snowflake
Interested Campers/families should contact Camp today for more information on enrolling in the program. Saturday afternoons are spent updating old friends about the past week, enjoying the outdoors at the County Park, and engaging in new and exciting activities. Campers receive the same one-to-one attention as at Camp Sunshine.
Campers are enrolled for the entire season, running from the third Saturday in September through the end of April. Campers are not required to also be enrolled in Camp Sunshine in order to enroll at Camp Snowflake.
Please feel free to contact us to learn more about enrolling a camper at Camp Snowflake.